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19 years ago

Moving to Dharmasala with my toddler

19 years ago
Hi everyone.

it is great to read your posts and replies. So many kind people! :)

My name is Tracy and I am moving back to Dharmasala India in the H.P.
I lived there two years ago and am itching to get back. This time my girlfriend/partner(business) and I have a registered NGO. She is Indian and working out of Mangalore. I am going to work in Dharmasala after I get our non profit up and running in Berkeley California.

So here goes, I am getting dual citizenship with India and the U.S. I want to buy a house in Dharmasala!!! I love the town and need a more stable place to settle with my daughter than hopping guesthouses.

How much is this going to cost? I am looking for a small house (indoor squat water closet, kitchen/ living room and two small bedrooms.) It must have a garden around it. I want to grow some veggies and such. It must be a max of one hour walking distance from Mcloed Ganj. Anyone have any ideas?

What about taxes for the property? Who do I have to pay and how much, including backsheesh?

I also need to know is the soil safe(my daughter is a dirt muncher) and what poisonous plants and animals live there? Anyone know about the hummingbirds that are an inch tall? What is the scientific name of the HUGE spiders? What else should i be watchful for with a toddler..she is nearing 2!

I really appreciate the help.
Take care all!!


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