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19 years ago

moving to kuwait city

19 years ago
Hi, ladies im a 23 year old student at a university in california and I'm planning to marry a kuwaiti guy in next summer 2005. I am concerned with many things before I leave to kuwait. First of all I known this guy for 4 yrs and we went to school together. We are planning to get married here in california and move to kuwait because of his job. However, I wish I could contact someone who has married a kuwaiti and is now living in kuwait. I told my fiance that on our marriage contract we will indicate that he could only be married to one wife which would be me. He is now living in kuwait and preparing our apartment for our marriage and working two jobs and saveing money for the wedding. We talk every day and are very happy of getting married. Also, my religion is catholic but eventually I 'll convert to Islam after studing the religion because i understand there are some simularities with Islam and catholic religion. However, I read some terrible stories of marriages in kuwait and I know these stories exsist in every part of the world, specially in the U.S. Well I hope to get some responses from ladies who are out there I'd really appritiate your opinions.

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