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Aviemore, Scotland | What cultural faux pas should I try to avoid making in Aviemore? | Expat Exchange
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What cultural faux pas should I try to avoid making in Aviemore?

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We asked people in Aviemore if they could share any humorous cultural blunders they commited. For new expats, keep in mind that these incidents are an inevitable part of expat life. Learning to laugh about them is the key!...

"When visiting Aviemore, it's important to respect the local customs and traditions to avoid any cultural faux pas. Firstly, avoid referring to Scotland as England or Scots as English, as this is considered highly offensive. Scotland has its own distinct culture, history, and identity separate from England. Avoid discussing sensitive topics such as religion and politics, especially the issues surrounding Scottish independence, unless the locals bring it up themselves. It's also considered impolite to mimic the Scottish accent or use stereotypical phrases, as it can come across as mocking. In Scotland, it's customary to say 'cheers' before drinking, so not doing so might be seen as rude. Also, if you're invited to someone's home, it's polite to bring a small gift, such as a bottle of wine or flowers. When hiking or exploring the beautiful natural landscapes around Aviemore, make sure to respect the environment. Littering is frowned upon and could even result in a fine. Lastly, Scots are known for their friendliness and hospitality, so being rude or unfriendly in return is considered a major faux pas. Always remember to say 'please' and 'thank you', and try to return the warm greetings and smiles you receive," said another expat in Aviemore, Scotland.

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What cultural faux pas should I try to avoid making in Aviemore?

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