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Polis, Cyprus | What do expats in Polis appreciate most about the local culture? | Expat Exchange
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What do expats in Polis appreciate most about the local culture?

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We asked expats and digital nomads what they appreciate the most about the local culture in Polis. They wrote...

"Expats in Polis often appreciate the warm and welcoming nature of the local people. They are known for their hospitality and willingness to help newcomers feel at home. The relaxed pace of life is another aspect that expats enjoy. The Cypriot lifestyle is laid-back and stress-free, allowing expats to enjoy a slower, more relaxed pace of life. The rich history and culture of Cyprus is also a major draw for expats. From ancient ruins to traditional festivals, there is always something to learn and explore. Expats also appreciate the local cuisine, which is a blend of Greek, Turkish, and Middle Eastern influences. The fresh seafood, locally grown fruits and vegetables, and traditional dishes like souvlaki and moussaka are a delight for food lovers. The natural beauty of Polis is another aspect that expats love. From the stunning beaches to the lush countryside, there is a wealth of outdoor activities to enjoy. Finally, the sense of community in Polis is something that many expats value. The locals are known for their strong community ties and there are plenty of opportunities to get involved in local events and activities," explained one expat living in Polis, Cyprus.

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Avertiss Real EstateAvertiss Real Estate

Avertiss is a professional brokerage firm that offers services in real estate and its related fields. We represent buyers and sellers in both the northern and southern parts of the island of Cyprus. Our brokerage consists of highly experienced professionals specializing in real estate investment, lifestyle, legal services, and valuation advisory.
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What do expats in Polis appreciate most about the local culture?

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