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Rotorua, New Zealand | What cultural faux pas should I try to avoid making in Rotorua? | Expat Exchange
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What cultural faux pas should I try to avoid making in Rotorua?

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We asked people in Rotorua if they could share any humorous cultural blunders they commited. For new expats, keep in mind that these incidents are an inevitable part of expat life. Learning to laugh about them is the key!...

"In Rotorua, it's important to respect the Maori culture, which is deeply ingrained in the city's identity. Avoid making fun of or disrespecting Maori customs, language, or traditions. When visiting a marae (Maori meeting grounds), always wait to be invited before entering. It's considered rude to just walk in. If you're invited to participate in a hongi - a traditional Maori greeting where people press their noses together - don't refuse. It's a sign of respect and refusing can be seen as disrespectful. Don't litter or damage the environment. New Zealanders take pride in their country's natural beauty and expect visitors to do the same. Avoid comparing New Zealand to Australia. They are two distinct countries with their own unique cultures and histories. When visiting geothermal sites, stick to the marked paths. It's not only for your safety but also to respect the natural environment. Don't take photos of people without their permission, especially during Maori cultural performances. It's considered disrespectful. Avoid walking over graves in cemeteries. In Maori culture, it's considered disrespectful to step on the graves. Lastly, don't rush or push in lines. New Zealanders value patience and politeness," said a member in Rotorua, New Zealand.

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What cultural faux pas should I try to avoid making in Rotorua?

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