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Aviemore, Scotland | What are healthcare services like in Aviemore? | Expat Exchange
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What are healthcare services like in Aviemore?

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We asked retirees if they have access to good medical care in Aviemore. They wrote...

"Aviemore, offers a range of healthcare services to its residents and visitors. The town has a local medical practice that provides general medical services, including routine check-ups, vaccinations, and treatment for various illnesses and conditions. The practice is staffed by a team of experienced doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals who are dedicated to providing high-quality care. In addition to the local medical practice, Aviemore also has a community hospital that offers a wider range of services. This includes emergency care, minor surgeries, and rehabilitation services. The hospital is equipped with modern medical equipment and facilities to ensure patients receive the best possible care. Pharmacy services are also available in Aviemore, with pharmacies offering prescription services, over-the-counter medications, and health advice. They work closely with the local medical practice and hospital to ensure patients have access to the medications they need. For those requiring more specialized care, Aviemore is within reach of larger hospitals in Inverness and Aberdeen. These hospitals offer a wide range of specialist services, including cardiology, neurology, and cancer care. Mental health services are also available in Aviemore, with local organizations and charities providing support for individuals dealing with mental health issues. This includes counselling services, support groups, and resources for managing mental health. Overall, Aviemore offers a comprehensive range of healthcare services, ensuring residents and visitors have access to the care they need. The healthcare professionals in the town are committed to providing high-quality care and work closely with patients to manage their health and wellbeing," remarked another expat who made the move to Aviemore, Scotland.

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