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West Virginia | What do I need to know when buying property in West Virginia? | Expat Exchange
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What do I need to know when buying property in West Virginia?

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When we asked expats what advice they would give a foreigner before buying a property in West Virginia, they said...

"When buying property in West Virginia, it is important to research the local real estate market and understand the laws and regulations that govern the purchase and sale of real estate in the state. It is also important to understand the tax implications of owning property in West Virginia, as well as any zoning or other restrictions that may apply to the property. Additionally, it is important to work with a qualified real estate agent or attorney to ensure that all paperwork is properly completed and that all necessary inspections and appraisals are conducted. Finally, it is important to obtain title insurance to protect against any potential title defects or liens that may exist on the property," explained one expat living in West Virginia.

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