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Arkansas | What are the visa & residency requirements in Arkansas? | Expat Exchange
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What are the visa & residency requirements in Arkansas?

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We asked people about the visa & residency requirements in Arkansas, they wrote...

"To apply for a visa in Arkansas, a foreign national must first complete a visa application for approval at a US embassy or consulate. The applicant must provide various documents to demonstrate eligibility, such as proof of a valid passport, proof of relationship with a US citizen, information about the intended journey, medical records and background checks. Once approved, applicants may then use the visa to enter and stay in the US for a specified amount of time. To apply for residency in Arkansas, a foreign national must first qualify for an immigrant visa by securing a job offer or obtaining an immigrant family member sponsorship. The applicant must submit an affidavit of support information, proof of any required vaccinations, marriage and birth certificates for the family, and a valid passport to a US embassy or consulate. Once the application is approved, the applicant may then receive a green card to enter the US and apply for permanent residency," remarked another expat in Arkansas.

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