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6 years ago

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6 years ago
Hello everyone,

New here and just looking for some answers relating to my question. I met a wonderful women in Bogota a while back while on a business trip. We kept in touch and have entered into a relationship. I was nervous at first with all these horrible scams going around. Luckily, she is a dentist with her own practice so it's not a potential sugar daddy scenario.

So my question is regarding Colombian Imigration, customs and airport police (El Dorado Airport). I am self employed so I have the flexibility of going down to see every month for 10 to 12 days at a time. My concern is will the Colombian authorities detain me after the first few trips due to frequent entries for no longer than 10-14 days at a time? My second concern is the number of enetry / exit stamps in my passport (upwards of 80). I work in the aviation engineering field so I travel very frequently for my business. I also hold work permits in 8 different countries that are also stapled into my passport. Having traveled to over 179 countries I have has some hair raising in some countries upon entry.

Thanks in advance everyone!

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Colombian Visa Services

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Allianz Care

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Allianz CareAllianz Care

Flexible solutions allow you to tailor your cover to meet your needs and budget. Use Promocode: LIFE10 and get 10% off your international health insurance for life!
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Living in Colombia GuideLiving in Colombia Guide

Expats in Colombia discuss the pros and cons of living in Colombia. From the Colombian people to driving to taxes and more. As challenging as it can be, expats in Colombia clearly find that there is a lot to love about a country that is a surprising expat hot spot.

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Best Places to Live in Colombia Best Places to Live in Colombia

If you're considering a move to Colombia, here are the 15 Best Places to Live in Colombia in 2023.

Healthcare in ColombiaHealthcare in Colombia

Our guide to healthcare in Colombia covers public and private healthcare in Colombia, hospitals, vaccinations, prescription medications and more.

Cost of Living in ColombiaCost of Living in Colombia

Expats offer insight into the cost of living in Colombia.

Moving to ColombiaMoving to Colombia Guide

With its bustling cities, beautiful beaches and friendly Colombians, Colombia is an increasingly popular destination for expats of all ages. Expats in Colombia offer insightful tips for those moving to Colombia.

Real Estate in ColombiaReal Estate in Colombia

Real estate listings in popular cities and towns in Colombia.

Pros Cons of Living in ColombiaPros & Cons of Living in Colombia

Take off your rose-colored glasses and learn what expats have to say about the biggest challenges and the greatest rewards of living in Colombia.

Retiring in ColombiaRetiring in Colombia

Advice for people retiring in Colombia.

10 Tips for Living in Colombia10 Tips for Living in Colombia

If you've recently arrived in Colombia, here are 10 tips for digital nomads living in Colombia.

Allianz Care
Allianz Care

Flexible solutions allow you to tailor your cover to meet your needs and budget. Use Promocode: LIFE10 and get 10% off your international health insurance for life!
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Allianz CareAllianz Care

Flexible solutions allow you to tailor your cover to meet your needs and budget. Use Promocode: LIFE10 and get 10% off your international health insurance for life!
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Colombian Visa Services

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