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5 years ago

Earthquake in Panama

5 years ago
This afternoon Sunday May 12th 2019, there was a strong earthquake of 6.3, located 12 kilometers from Puerto Armuelles, in the province of Chiriquí, according to the Institute of Geosciences of the University of Panama.
Seismic activity was felt in Bocas del Toro, Veraguas, Coclé, and Donoso in Colón, according to reports from the Panama Fire Department.
Team of the Joint Task Force (FTC) of the National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc), conducted monitoring in the surrounding areas, indicating that there is no tsunami warning.
According to a report by the Institute of Geosciences, the earthquake registered in Puerto Armuelles was caused by the tectonic fault of Paso Canoas and that has no link whatsoever with the movements that Volcano Baru could generate.
According to reports, the earthquake was so strong that some establishments suffered damage, falling products from their shelves and some slight fissures in walls in the Super Romero, Super Extra, and Changuinola Hospital.
Ricardo Bolaños of the Institute of Geosciences, said that smaller-scale replicas of the tremor are expected.
The President of the Republic, Juan Carlos Varela, confirmed an injured woman when the roof of her house collapsed in Puerto Armuelles.
The authorities ask the population to remain calm and follow prevention measures.

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