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Santiago, Chile | What do I need to know before moving to Santiago? | Expat Exchange
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What do I need to know before moving to Santiago?

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When we asked people what advice they would give someone preparing to move to Santiago, they said...

"Santiago is the capital of Chile and is a vibrant and diverse city. It is important to research the cost of living in Santiago before moving, as it can be quite expensive. It is also important to be aware of the local culture and customs, as well as the language. It is recommended to learn some Spanish before moving to Santiago, as it is the most widely spoken language in the city. Additionally, it is important to be aware of the climate in Santiago, as it can be quite hot and dry during the summer months. Finally, it is important to research the different neighborhoods in Santiago, as each one has its own unique character and attractions," said a member in Santiago, Chile.

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What do I need to know before moving to Santiago?

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