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Hamilton, New Zealand | What advice do you have for expats having a baby in Hamilton? | Expat Exchange
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What advice do you have for expats having a baby in Hamilton?

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We asked expat moms who gave birth in Hamilton about their experiences and advice they have for other moms to be. They said...

"Firstly, it's important to understand the healthcare system in New Zealand. The country has a high standard of healthcare and all residents, including expats, have access to free or subsidized health services. Pregnant women in New Zealand are entitled to free maternity care, provided by a Lead Maternity Carer (LMC). This can be a midwife, a general practitioner or an obstetrician. It's advisable to choose an LMC as early as possible in your pregnancy. Hamilton has several hospitals and birthing centres, including Waikato Hospital and Waterford Birth Centre. Research each facility and choose the one that best suits your needs and preferences. Consider taking prenatal classes. These can be a great way to prepare for childbirth and parenthood, and to meet other expectant parents in Hamilton. If you're not a New Zealand resident, check your eligibility for free maternity care. If you're not eligible, you'll need to arrange and pay for your own maternity care. It's advisable to have health insurance that covers maternity care. New Zealand law entitles you to at least 26 weeks of paid parental leave. Make sure you understand your rights and obligations, and plan your leave in advance. Finally, make the most of the support available to you. This can include community groups, online forums, and services such as Plunket, a non-profit organization that provides support services for children under five," said another expat in Hamilton, New Zealand.

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