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What cultural faux pas should I try to avoid making in Apaneca?

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We asked people in Apaneca if they could share any humorous cultural blunders they commited. For new expats, keep in mind that these incidents are an inevitable part of expat life. Learning to laugh about them is the key!...

"In Apaneca, it's important to avoid discussing politics, especially issues related to the civil war, as it is a sensitive topic for many Salvadorans. Avoid making negative comments about the country or comparing it unfavorably to other countries, as this can be seen as disrespectful. It's also considered rude to refuse food or drink when offered by a host. Even if you're not hungry or thirsty, it's polite to accept a small amount. Punctuality is not strictly observed in El Salvador, but as a foreigner, you should still strive to be on time for appointments or social gatherings. Avoid wearing revealing clothing, as Salvadoran society is quite conservative. This is especially true in rural areas like Apaneca. Public displays of affection are generally frowned upon, especially between people of the same sex due to conservative attitudes towards homosexuality. Avoid pointing with your finger, as this is considered rude. Instead, use your whole hand to gesture. Finally, it's important to remember that Salvadorans value personal relationships and face-to-face communication. Avoid rushing business meetings or social interactions, as this can be seen as impolite," mentioned another expat when asked about moving to Apaneca, El Salvador.

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What cultural faux pas should I try to avoid making in Apaneca?

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