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Ponta Delgada, Portugal | What do expats find most challenging? | Expat Exchange
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What do expats find most challenging?

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We asked expats and digital nomads what they find the most challenging about the local culture in Ponta Delgada. They wrote...

"Expats in Ponta Delgada may find the language barrier to be the most challenging aspect of the local culture, as Portuguese is the primary language spoken and not everyone speaks English fluently. Additionally, they might struggle with the slower pace of life, as locals tend to be more laid-back and relaxed compared to other European cities. The bureaucracy and paperwork involved in obtaining visas, residency permits, and other official documents can also be a challenge for expats. Furthermore, adapting to the local customs and traditions, such as the importance of family and close-knit communities, might be difficult for some expats who are used to more individualistic cultures. Lastly, the limited availability of certain goods and services, as well as the island's isolation from mainland Portugal, can be challenging for expats who are used to having easy access to a wide variety of products and amenities," remarked another expat who made the move to Ponta Delgada, Portugal.

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