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Providencia Island, Colombia | Is there a lot of diversity? Are people in Providencia Island accepting of differences? | Expat Exchange
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Is there a lot of diversity? Are people in Providencia Island accepting of differences?

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When we asked people about diversity in Providencia Island and whether locals are accepting of differences, they said...

"Yes, Providencia Island in Colombia is known for its cultural diversity. The island is home to a mix of Afro-Caribbean, English, and Spanish influences, which is reflected in the language, music, and cuisine of the island. The locals, known as Raizals, are descendants of African slaves, British colonizers, and Spanish conquistadors, creating a unique blend of cultures. In terms of acceptance of differences, the people of Providencia Island are generally known for their warm hospitality and openness to visitors. They are proud of their unique heritage and are usually happy to share their culture with others. However, like any place, individual attitudes can vary. Overall, the island's rich cultural diversity and the locals' acceptance of differences contribute to its charm and appeal as a tourist destination," remarked another expat who made the move to Providencia Island, Colombia.

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Is there a lot of diversity? Are people in Providencia Island accepting of differences?

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