Yes, my first time ever leaving the good ol’ U.S. of A. to visit a foreign land was to actually move to a foreign land. Is that bold? Most people said I was nuts. But then, again, most people I know had also spent basically their whole lives in Central Texas. So that was my first motivation: just do something adventurous and see a part of the world completely new to me.
My secondary motivation was less philosophical: money. The cost of living in Granada, Nicaragua is very low here, making my salary go quite a bit further that it does in the states. I see this move as a chance to pay very little to live, allowing me to divert more money into paying off old debts and then into investment. That’s my boring, fiscal, non-swashbuckling reason for coming here. Of course, it helps to pull this off that I work online. My job was already a remote position that I worked from home, so relocating had zero impact on my employment.
What do I think of living in Granada, Nicaragua, having come from a planned, cookie cutter neighborhood in the sprawling suburbs of Austin, Texas? I absolutely love it!