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9 years ago


9 years ago
Hi everyone, my name is Mary and I have just published my first book on Amazon. It's all about my mum who suffered Dementia and about our fight with our local hospital here in Scotland over her poor care. I would hope that you might like to have a little read and help a fellow Scot travel up the ranks of writing! :) x Here is the link

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William Russell

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William RussellWilliam Russell

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Here's a primer on how to get your driver's license in Austria....

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Piedmont (in Italian: Piemonte) is an expansive region in Northern Italy that borders Switzerland and France. This is a region of great variety - you will find everything from small hilltop towns to cosmopolitan cities set against the snow-capped Alps. If you're thinking about moving to Piedmont, check out our list of the 7 best places to live in Piedmont, which is based upon advice and recommendations from expats already there.

Piedmont (in Italian: Piemonte) is an expansive region in Northern Italy that borders Switzerland and France. This is a region of great variety - you will find everything from small hilltop towns to c...

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If you're moving to Israel, it's important to learn about both the Pros AND Cons of living in Israel. ...

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