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Sagres, Portugal | Is there a lot of diversity? Are people in Sagres accepting of differences? | Expat Exchange
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Is there a lot of diversity? Are people in Sagres accepting of differences?

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When we asked people about diversity in Sagres and whether locals are accepting of differences, they said...

"Sagres, is a small town known primarily for its historical significance and natural beauty. The population is predominantly Portuguese, with a smaller number of expatriates from various countries. While it may not be as diverse as larger cities, the people of Sagres are generally known for their hospitality and openness to visitors from different cultures and backgrounds. As a popular tourist destination, the locals are accustomed to interacting with people from all over the world, which contributes to a generally accepting attitude towards differences. However, like any place, individual attitudes can vary," said another expat in Sagres, Portugal.

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Is there a lot of diversity? Are people in Sagres accepting of differences?

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