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Coimbra, Portugal | As a foreigner living in Coimbra, will I have access to public healthcare? What is it like? | Expat Exchange
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As a foreigner living in Coimbra, will I have access to public healthcare? What is it like?

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We asked expats in Coimbra if they have access to public healthcare in Coimbra. And, if they do have access, what is it like. They wrote...

"Yes, as a foreigner living in Coimbra, you will have access to public healthcare. Portugal has a universal healthcare system, which means that all residents, including foreigners, have the right to access healthcare services. The public healthcare system in Portugal is generally of a high standard, with well-equipped hospitals and clinics, and well-trained medical staff. However, it's worth noting that public hospitals can sometimes be crowded and waiting times can be long for non-emergency treatments. Many expats in Portugal choose to take out private health insurance to supplement the public healthcare, as this can give them access to private hospitals and clinics, where waiting times are often shorter. It's also important to note that while many doctors and nurses in Portugal speak English, this is not always the case, so there may be language barriers to navigate," said a member in Coimbra, Portugal.

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Welcome to Green Breeze, your gateway to unforgettable private yacht and boat rentals in the enchanting Troia and Comporta regions of Portugal. Whether you seek a serene escape on the calm waters of Troia or an adventurous voyage along the picturesque coast of Arrabida, we’ve got you covered. Our fleet offers a selection of meticulously maintained yachts and boats to cater to your every desire. Discover the perfect vessel to suit your dreams, from sleek motorboats to luxurious hybrid yachts.
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As a foreigner living in Coimbra, will I have access to public healthcare? What is it like?

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