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Expat Exchange - Christmas Abroad Report | Expat Exchange
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Parque La Carolina in Quito, Ecuador

Holidays Abroad

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Expats around the world have shared their holiday experiences abroad in our Holiday Abroad Report. They talk about what Hanukkah, Christmas and other holiday traditions they've adopted while living overseas, how celebrations differ and what they miss most from home. Please take a few minutes to share your experiences.

As a way of helping expats research life abroad, Expat Exchange uses advice shared in our Expat Report Series to create articles that aggregate information about specific topics relevant to international relocation. We never include private information when we do this. Even though we NEVER sell, rent, or share our members private information, please consider carefully what private or personal information you share with others in our Expat Reports. Read more

Which country are you reporting about?

What is the name of the city or town that you are reporting on?

How will be you spending the holiday season this year? Describe the current COVID-19 situation in your area and how you will be celebrating this year.

If you have suggestions or ideas for other expats to help them this holiday season, please share your ideas.

Which country are you a citizen of?

How long have you lived there?

If locals celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah where you are living now, how is it celebrated differently?

If locals do not celebrate Christmas or Hanukkah (and you do), what do you do for the holidays?

Do you mix your own traditions with those of your expat location? If so, describe.

What is your favorite thing about celebrating Christmas or Hanukkah in your overseas location?

Beside family and friends, what do you miss from home during the holidays?

How is New Year's typically celebrated in your expat location?

Parque La Carolina in Quito, Ecuador

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