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Navigate Health Care in Quito

Dive into healthcare resources for expats and digital nomads in Quito: identify leading healthcare providers, hospitals, and medical centers for optimal care.
|-Navigate Health Care in Quito

Quito has a public and private healthcare system. The public healthcare system is called the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute (IESS). It is used by both Ecuadorian citizens and foreigners, although foreigners may have to pay a fee for services. People generally recommend using public hospitals in Quito for serious medical emergencies and major surgery, as they are well-equipped and staffed with experienced professionals. At a public hospital in Quito, you can expect to receive quality care at a reasonable cost. Foreigners, including expats and digital nomads, are allowed to use the public healthcare system in Ecuador. However, many expats choose to use private hospitals for serious medical emergencies and major surgery, as they offer more personalized care and a wider range of services. Private hospitals in Quito are well-equipped and staffed with experienced professionals, and offer a higher level of care than public hospitals.

Hospitals and Clinics for Expats in Quito

  • Hospital Metropolitano: This is a private hospital located in the north of Quito. It is well-equipped and specializes in emergency care, surgery, and obstetrics.
  • Clinica Kennedy: This is a private hospital located in the south of Quito. It is well-equipped and specializes in emergency care, surgery, and obstetrics.
  • Clinica del Valle: This is a private hospital located in the east of Quito. It is well-equipped and specializes in emergency care, surgery, and obstetrics.
  • Clinica San Juan de Dios: This is a private hospital located in the west of Quito. It is well-equipped and specializes in emergency care, surgery, and obstetrics.

Emergency Services in Quito

Quito has a number of ambulance services that can be called in an emergency. The most common way to call for an ambulance is to dial 911. Ambulances usually arrive quickly, but there can be delays depending on the time of day and the location of the emergency.

Health Insurance Companies in Quito

The most popular private health insurers in Quito are Saludvida, Mapfre, and Pacifico. These companies offer a range of health insurance plans, including basic coverage and more comprehensive plans. Expats and digital nomads typically use these companies, although some may choose to use specialized expat health insurance providers.

Insider Tips from Expats in Quito: Health Care

“I’ve been living in Quito for a while now, and I can tell you that it’s definitely possible to live comfortably on $5,000 a month, especially if you’re used to modern amenities. In fact, you might not even have to make too many sacrifices to make it work. Quito has a relatively low cost of living compared to many other cities, so your money will go a lot further here.When it comes to finding a place to live, there are several neighborhoods that offer a good balance of affordability and modern conveniences. Some of the more affordable neighborhoods that I would recommend checking out include La Floresta, La Mariscal, and La Carolina. These areas have a good mix of residential and commercial properties, so you’ll have easy access to shops, restaurants, and other amenities. Plus, they’re all relatively safe and well-connected to public transportation.On the other hand, there are some more expensive neighborhoods that you might want to avoid if you’re trying to stick to a budget. These include areas like González Suárez, Cumbayá, and Tumbaco. While these neighborhoods are certainly beautiful and offer a high standard of living, they can be quite pricey, especially when it comes to rent and dining out.As for other expenses, you’ll find that groceries, utilities, and transportation are all quite affordable in Quito. Eating out can be a bit more expensive, especially if you’re dining at high-end restaurants, but there are plenty of budget-friendly options available as well. One thing to keep in mind is that imported goods can be more expensive here, so you might have to make some adjustments when it comes to your shopping habits.Overall, I think you’ll find that living in Quito on $5,000 a month is not only doable but also quite comfortable. Just be mindful of your spending, especially when it comes to housing and dining out, and you should be able to enjoy a high quality of life without breaking the bank,” commented an expat living in Quito.

Joshua WoodJoshua Wood, LPC joined Expat Exchange in 2000 and serves as one of its Co-Presidents. He is also one of the Founders of Digital Nomad Exchange. Prior to Expat Exchange, Joshua worked for NBC Cable (MSNBC and CNBC Primetime). Joshua has a BA from Syracuse and a Master's in Clinical and Counseling Psychology from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Mr. Wood is also a licensed counselor and psychotherapist.

Some of Joshua's articles include Pros and Cons of Living in Portugal, 10 Best Places to Live in Ireland and Pros and Cons of Living in Uruguay. Connect with Joshua on LinkedIn.

Additional Information:

International Citizens Insurance

Cigna Global Health
Award winning International Health Insurance for Individuals and families living abroad.

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