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8 years ago
Hi Folks

I’m new to the exchange and planning on moving to Belize in November so I thought I’d take a minute to introduce myself before I start asking all sorts of questions.

As my handle alludes to my name is Bob. I currently live in Arizona and have reached that point in life that I’m no longer working or least not willing to anymore. I’ve done all the things I was supposed to do in life; raised kids, put them through college, worked hard, been the “responsible adult”, etc., etc., etc. Now, it’s time to take time to enjoy life full time and do the things I really enjoy without worrying about all things life gives us to take up our time.

I chose Belize because it offers so many of the things I love like scuba diving and snorkeling, beaches, all the crazy critters and birds found in rain forests that have always fascinated me (that I’ve never experienced up close and personal) and just plain relaxing in a laid back environment. And, a cost of living that means I won’t have to be one of the older folks I see having to work at Walmart just to survive.

I’ve spent some time in the Caribbean as well as some European countries, Mexico, Guatemala and lived on Crete for a short while. In the younger days I did just over 10 years in the military, then entered corporate America and married a company. About 20 years ago I decided to ditch that and started my own company working in the technology arena (mostly related to the Internet). Overall as my license plate says I’ve had a great life (LIFSGR8). So, time to wind down from all this and have fun without all the stress a good life often brings.

I’m confident I’ll enjoy Belize and if, for some reason, it goes sideways I can move somewhere else. I still need to pin down the best area to live in for me. I’m definitely not wanting to recreate the American lifestyle there. I’m more interested in a combination of a little of what it’s like here and the Belizean lifestyle. From what I’ve read that’s a good way to go. Due to circumstances I won’t go into, the big retirement accounts are gone so I’ll be living on good old Social Security along with what I have saved.

I’ve read a lot of forum posts and hopefully I won’t be asking too many redundant questions; I have noticed though that many responses are not current so I’ll definitely be looking for updated information. Most of the folks that post seem pretty nice and I’m really looking forward to meeting some of you when I arrive.

Initially I’m looking to rent a small place while I explore the areas and find the one that suits me best or I it. Any suggestions on the best place to start out or to find a place will be appreciated. I’ll probably grab a hotel room for a few days on arrival.

Suggestions on places would also be appreciated.

That’s it for now. I’ll be posting some questions and seeking everyone’s experience shortly. Until then…


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Living in Belize GuideLiving in Belize Guide

Anyone thinking about moving to Belize should carefully consider the pros and cons of expat life in Belize. The article includes insight from expats about the cons (crime, limited healthcare, poor road conditions and more) and the pros (beautiful beaches, friendly people, low cost of living and more).

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Best Places to Live in Belize Best Places to Live in Belize

If you're considering a move to Belize, here are the 15 Best Places to Live in Belize in 2023.

Healthcare in BelizeHealthcare in Belize

Expats in Belize share tips and advice about healthcare and health insurance in Belize. While some expats advise those with serious health issues not to move to Belize, other expats choose Corozal for its proximity to doctors and clinics over the border in Chetumal, Mexico.

Cost of Living in BelizeCost of Living in Belize

Expats offer insight into the cost of living in Belize.

Moving to BelizeMoving to Belize Guide

Expats that move to Belize learn to enjoy a breathtakingly beautiful setting without some of the essentials they may have taken to granted in their home countries.

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Real estate listings in popular cities and towns in Belize.

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Take off your rose-colored glasses and learn what expats have to say about the biggest challenges and the greatest rewards of living in Belize.

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