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Huatulco, Mexico | What cultural faux pas should I try to avoid making in Huatulco? | Expat Exchange
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Huatulco, Mexico

What cultural faux pas should I try to avoid making in Huatulco?

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We asked people in Huatulco if they could share any humorous cultural blunders they commited. For new expats, keep in mind that these incidents are an inevitable part of expat life. Learning to laugh about them is the key!...

"When visiting Huatulco, it's important to respect the local culture and customs. Avoid making negative comments about the country or its people, as this is considered disrespectful. It's also considered rude to interrupt someone while they're speaking, so always wait for your turn to talk. Don't assume everyone speaks English. While many people in Huatulco do speak English, it's polite to at least attempt to speak Spanish, even if it's just a few basic phrases. Avoid discussing controversial topics such as politics and religion. These subjects can be sensitive and it's best to steer clear of them unless you know the person well. In Mexico, punctuality is not as strictly observed as it is in some other cultures. However, it's still important to be on time for formal occasions or business meetings. When dining out, don't leave your table without paying the bill. It's customary in Mexico for the person who invited others to cover the cost of the meal. Avoid wearing revealing clothing, especially in religious places. Mexicans tend to dress conservatively, so it's best to follow suit. Don't refuse food or drink offered to you, as this can be seen as impolite. If you're full, it's better to accept and then leave a little on your plate. Lastly, don't forget to tip. In Mexico, it's customary to leave a tip of 10-15% in restaurants and for other services," wrote a member who made the move to Huatulco, Mexico.

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What cultural faux pas should I try to avoid making in Huatulco?

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