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Benidorm, Spain | What are healthcare services like in Benidorm? | Expat Exchange
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Benidorm, Spain

What are healthcare services like in Benidorm?

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We asked retirees if they have access to good medical care in Benidorm. They wrote...

"Healthcare services in Benidorm are generally of a high standard, with both public and private facilities available. The public healthcare system is funded by social security payments, ensuring that all residents have access to necessary medical care. Hospitals and clinics in Benidorm are well-equipped and staffed by highly trained professionals, many of whom speak English. Emergency services are efficient and responsive, with ambulances, emergency rooms, and specialized trauma centers readily available. Pharmacies are also widespread throughout the city, providing over-the-counter and prescription medications. Private healthcare is also an option in Benidorm, with many choosing this route for more specialized or immediate care. Private hospitals and clinics often offer shorter wait times and a wider range of services, though they can be more expensive. In terms of specialized care, there are facilities and professionals catering to a range of needs, from maternity and pediatric care to geriatric and palliative care. Mental health services are also available, though they may not be as comprehensive as in some other countries. Overall, healthcare in Benidorm is reliable and accessible, with a strong network of hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies ensuring residents and visitors have access to the care they need," wrote a member who made the move to Benidorm, Spain.

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Expat EstateExpat Estate

Take the hassle out of buying property in Spain! Expat Estate is a bespoke buyer advisory firm helping foreign nationals purchase property in Spain. Providing end-to-end services from property search and acquisition to legals, mortgage broking, property management and support with Golden Visas, Expat Estate takes the stress out of home ownership in Spain.
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What are healthcare services like in Benidorm?

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Benidorm, Spain

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Expat Estate

Expat Estate helps foreigners buy their Spanish dream home, hassle free. With end-to-end services from property search and acquisition to legals, mortgage broking, and Golden Visas….all your bases are covered.
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Expat EstateExpat Estate

Expat Estate helps foreigners buy their Spanish dream home, hassle free. With end-to-end services from property search and acquisition to legals, mortgage broking, and Golden Visas….all your bases are covered.
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