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Faro, Portugal | As a foreigner living in Faro, will I have access to public healthcare? What is it like? | Expat Exchange
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As a foreigner living in Faro, will I have access to public healthcare? What is it like?

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We asked expats in Faro if they have access to public healthcare in Faro. And, if they do have access, what is it like. They wrote...

"Yes, as a foreigner living in Faro, you will have access to public healthcare. Portugal has a National Health Service (Serviço Nacional de Saúde, SNS) which provides healthcare to all residents, including foreigners. However, you may need to register and obtain a health card (Cartão de Utente) to access these services. The quality of healthcare in Portugal is generally high, with well-trained medical staff and modern facilities. The public healthcare system covers a wide range of services, including general practice, hospital care, maternity care, pediatric care, and emergency services. However, it's worth noting that while basic healthcare is free, there may be small fees for certain services or treatments. In Faro, as in other parts of Portugal, there can sometimes be long waiting times for non-emergency treatments in the public healthcare system. For this reason, some expats choose to take out private health insurance, which can provide faster access to specialists and private hospitals. Pharmacies are widely available in Faro and throughout Portugal, and many medications that would require a prescription in other countries can be bought over the counter. However, more serious or specialized medications will still require a prescription from a doctor. In terms of language, while many doctors and medical staff in Portugal speak English, especially in larger cities and tourist areas, this is not always the case. Therefore, it may be helpful to learn some basic Portuguese or have a translation app handy. Overall, while the public healthcare system in Portugal is generally of a high standard, it may be worth considering private health insurance for more immediate access to certain treatments and specialists," wrote a member who made the move to Faro, Portugal.

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Allianz Care's plans ensure that you have access to quality healthcare whenever you need it. Our flexible solutions allow you to tailor your cover to meet your needs and budget. You can submit your claims digitally and our helpline is available 24/7 to help you anytime.
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As a foreigner living in Faro, will I have access to public healthcare? What is it like?

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Flexible solutions allow you to tailor your cover to meet your needs and budget. Use Promocode: LIFE10 and get 10% off your international health insurance for life!
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