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7 years ago

Any taxi owners in Panama ?

7 years ago
Greetings fellow expats!

I'm an Aussie, who just moved to Panama last month (October). Before that, I was living in Costa Rica for 4 years.

Back in CR, I used to run a small taxi-business. I owned 4 cars, and each had its own drivers. In a nutshell, it was a good business --- not without its hassles, of course, but still pretty good.

I sold all my cars before moving here; I'm thinking of taking up the same endeavor here in Panama. However, my wife (who is Colombian) cautioned me against running taxis here. She gave many reasons; so, I decided to ask around.

I spoke to two expats living here in the city (one American, and another fellow Aussie). Both of them used to own similar businesses (although they sold out a while ago). The problem is, they both gave rather conflicting views. One says it's the best enterprise he ever attempted in Panama, and as long as one adheres to a few commonsense-rules, it could earn a lot of money. However, the other told me: it's the worst thing I could think of, and advised me to forget the idea completely (LOL)

I usually prefer to ask advice from those people who have first-hand experience. Which is why I'm posting here: anyone who's ever operated a taxi-style business here in Panama, I'd love your input.

If you'd rather not post your own personal experiences on an open forum, please feel free to send me a private message.

Cheers ))

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