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Tulum, Mexico | What are healthcare services like in Tulum? | Expat Exchange
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Tulum, Mexico

What are healthcare services like in Tulum?

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We asked retirees if they have access to good medical care in Tulum. They wrote...

"Tulum offers a range of healthcare services, including both public and private facilities. The public healthcare system is run by the Mexican government and is available to all residents, including expatriates with residency status. However, the quality of care in public hospitals can vary, and there may be long wait times for non-emergency procedures. Private healthcare in Tulum is generally of a high standard, with many doctors and specialists trained in the United States or Europe. Private hospitals and clinics are equipped with modern facilities and technology, and many healthcare professionals speak English, making it a popular choice for tourists and expatriates. Pharmacies are widely available throughout Tulum, and many medications that would require a prescription in other countries can be purchased over the counter. However, it's recommended to bring a supply of any necessary prescription medications, as not all drugs may be available. Emergency services in Tulum are reliable, with ambulances available 24/7. However, it's important to note that not all ambulance staff may speak English, so it can be helpful to know some basic Spanish or have a translation app available. Dental care in Tulum is also of a high standard, with many dentists offering a range of services from routine cleanings to more complex procedures. Many dental clinics cater to tourists and offer competitive prices compared to the United States and Canada. Overall, while healthcare in Tulum is generally good, it's recommended for visitors to have comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical expenses, as healthcare costs can be high, particularly in private facilities," explained one expat living in Tulum, Mexico.

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Welcome Home MexicoWelcome Home Mexico

Welcome Home Mexico occupies a niche in the market as a successful relocation and real estate firm helping expats moving to Mexico! As seen on CBS news, PBS, in the L.A. Times and more, we are one of the leading companies in this field. Welcome Home Mexico offers a wide range of services, multi-lingual knowledgeable brokers with experience, efficient and professional service.

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