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10 years ago

Open minds and Critical thinking

10 years ago
I must say that not only over the decades but especially the last several years I have seen such a change in attitudes and behaviors in North Americans--that could be a whole article in itself but let me address one subject. I find it CRAZY that people complain about developers and salespeople. Just look at the dialog yesterday and today between several of us developers here on the forum. Good Lord --can you possibly get more in depth information from just sitting in your Laz-y-Boy? You know, good salespeople believe in their product--if you get three salespeople and developers together and ask them which one has the best project they will all say they do!! why?? Because they believe it! And if you listen in to the conversation you will find out WHY each one believes what they do and find out the best info on the subject!
So anyone who actually thinks in a critical fashion would realize the value of this interaction! And what do we usually get?? Well, typically nothing but complaints.
God Forbid anyone would ever actually thank those of us who go to work and pay for this forum!! After all the entitlement society does not think that way.
So please do me a favor---realize the value of what you are given for free--take what you can use and leave the rest. I mean come on--I read some of these forums and the constant yapping about where to buy your Marshmallow fluff is not what I consider time worthy. You are being given a free education so take advantage of it.

Gill Phelan
[email protected]

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SJB Global is a top-rated financial advisory firm specializing in expat financial advice worldwide, offering retirement planning & tax-efficient solutions with a regressive fee model.
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Our Living in Costa Rica Guide is a primer on everything about living in Costa Rica: best places to live, cost of living, pros and cons, healthcare and insurance, and more.

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Best Places to Live in Costa Rica Best Places to Live in Costa Rica

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Healthcare in Costa RicaHealthcare in Costa Rica

Costa Rica has both public and private healthcare systems. When you become a resident, you must enroll in the public healthcare system (CAJA). Many expats use the public system for routine healthcare and have private expat health insurance for specialists, surgeries and emergencies.

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SJB Global

SJB Global is a top-rated financial advisory firm specializing in expat financial advice worldwide, offering retirement planning & tax-efficient solutions with a regressive fee model.
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SJB Global is a top-rated financial advisory firm specializing in expat financial advice worldwide, offering retirement planning & tax-efficient solutions with a regressive fee model.
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