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21 years ago

Cost of living Correspondent in Al Khobar

21 years ago
Dear All

We run an executive relocation publication called "The Worldwide Cost of Living Survey" twice a year which relies on correspondents completing questionnaires for us on the different prices of over 130 cities worldwide, Including those of Al Khobar. The surveys take about 2 to 3 days to do per city and a few hours to write up. We pay £380.00 per city (in whatever local currency required). We have no objection to these surveys being conducted by local residents on the condition that they specifically target goods and brands that are relevent to expatriates.

The surveys usually take place in March and September - but our regular correspondent for Al Khobar has taken on other commitments, leaving us requiring a replacement correspondent to survey the cost of living in the city this September.

I was wondering if you knew of anyone (including yourselves) who might be available and willing to take over the role of correspondent. The survey is set to take place in the first week of September and returned by the 20th September although we are prepared to be flexible on the deadline because of the short notice provided. We can provide the files by email in Word or (preferably xls) format to be completed and returned, alternatively we can courier the survey out to should the correspondent require it.

Please could you respond as soon as possible to let us know if you know of anybody who might be interested - If you have any queries I can be contacted at [email protected] or on +44 20 7830 1175 (phone) and +44 20 7930 7911 (fax).

Kindest Regards

Jon Copestake
Economist Intelligence Unit

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William Russell

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