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21 years ago

Heading to Jeddah

21 years ago
Hello, I am a 22 year old English lad and have recieved a job offer from an ad agency in Jeddah to be an art director. Although my departure date has yet to be finalised due to the current situation with the war on Iraq, i should be going out there later on this year. Got a few questions, if anyone can help that would be great...

1- Because of my age, this job opportunity is too good to turn down, but i am concerned that there will be very few expats my age within the compounds. I am young and single and would like to meet people, but how easy is this going to be?

2- Can you drink alcohol?? I know it is strictly forbidden, but i have read in some books and websites that the saudi authorities turn a blind eye to discreet personal home brewed beer, as long as its kept within the compounds. Is this true?? Is it worth the risk??

3- I also read that any books you bring into saudi get confiscated and censored, then sometimes returned. Any truth in this?? What about CDs, DVDs or VHS?

4- I play football (or soccer to the americans) on semi-pro terms in England, are there any expat teams i can join out in Jeddah?



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