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Saudi Arabia Forum

20 years ago

job & living style

20 years ago

I am new to this group. I am from India and I would appreciate if somebody who is in the know of things can answer these queries. I am considering an offer from API Corp. Those who don't know, API stands for Arab Petroleum Investment Corporation, Dammam. Like others, I do have a lot apprehensions about moving to KSA leaving my well established career in India. I have systems/finance degree from university which ranks among top 3 universities in USA/world and have extensive experience in securties/capital market. I specialize in financial engineering, derivatives, treasury management, Investments and underlying systems tools for the same. Since this offer entails moving lock stock and barrel along with my wife (she has to leave a good job in India), it is creating a lot of flutters in my stomach. I will appreciate if you could answer these queries.

1. Please provide general overview of API CORP compound detailing facilities, general living condition.
2. Can somebody throw some light on salary compensation standard for my profile? What is decent salary to expect for good living and saving? Other than salary i would be getting free furnished accommodation, medical and ancillary whatever.
3. Is there a difference between salary offered to westerners and those offered to people from south Asia for the same profile? Since, my qualification is world class, it will suck to see somebody less qualified getting more than I do just on the basis of color of passport.
4. What is the implication of 2 year contract? Can somebody leave his job within two years, if things don't work out?
5.What are chances of my wife getting a job in Dammam region. She is an MBA and looks after marketing in a software firm in India.
6. I have been most sought teacher in Mumbai, India (taught earlier for Princeton Review/Kaplan) for graduate and business admissions teaching like GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, SAT, LSAT etc. Is it allowed for an employee to teach these courses in the region on the part time basis. Also is there market for the same in Dammam region.
7. Though, I don't have kids. But would like to know how is it to raise a child in dammam region up to the age of 10.

Thanks a lot.

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