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Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands | What advice do you have for expats having a baby in Egmond aan Zee? | Expat Exchange
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What advice do you have for expats having a baby in Egmond aan Zee?

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We asked expat moms who gave birth in Egmond aan Zee about their experiences and advice they have for other moms to be. They said...

"1. Research and choose a healthcare provider: The Netherlands has an excellent healthcare system. However, it's important to find a healthcare provider that suits your needs and preferences. You may choose between a hospital birth with an obstetrician or a home birth with a midwife. 2. Understand the healthcare system: In the Netherlands, pregnancy and childbirth are considered natural processes, not medical conditions. Therefore, the approach to prenatal care and childbirth may be different from what you're used to. 3. Learn the language: While many Dutch people speak English, it can be helpful to learn some Dutch, especially medical terms related to pregnancy and childbirth. This will make communication with healthcare providers easier. 4. Attend prenatal classes: Prenatal classes can provide valuable information about pregnancy, childbirth, and newborn care. They can also be a great way to meet other expectant parents in Egmond aan Zee. 5. Register the birth: After your baby is born, you'll need to register the birth at the local municipality (gemeente) within three days. Both parents do not need to be present for this, but you will need to bring certain documents. 6. Consider hiring a kraamzorg: A kraamzorg is a maternity nurse who comes to your home after the birth to help with the baby and household tasks. This service is unique to the Netherlands and is covered by Dutch health insurance. 7. Get health insurance for your baby: In the Netherlands, everyone is required to have health insurance, including newborns. You'll need to add your baby to your health insurance policy within four months after the birth. 8. Connect with other expats: Joining an expat group can provide support and advice from others who have had similar experiences. They can also provide recommendations for English-speaking healthcare providers and other resources. 9. Enjoy the maternity leave: The Netherlands has generous maternity leave policies. Mothers are entitled to at least 16 weeks of paid leave, and fathers are entitled to at least five days of paid leave. 10. Embrace the Dutch parenting style: Dutch parents are known for raising the happiest kids in the world. They value independence, outdoor play, and a balanced lifestyle. As an expat, embracing these values can help you and your baby adjust to life in Egmond aan Zee," said another expat in Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands.

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