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Nuremberg, Germany | What cultural faux pas should I try to avoid making in Nuremberg? | Expat Exchange
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What cultural faux pas should I try to avoid making in Nuremberg?

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We asked people in Nuremberg if they could share any humorous cultural blunders they commited. For new expats, keep in mind that these incidents are an inevitable part of expat life. Learning to laugh about them is the key!...

"In Nuremberg, it's important to avoid discussing World War II and the Holocaust unless it's brought up by someone else. This is a sensitive topic and can be seen as disrespectful. Avoid being late for appointments or meetings. Germans value punctuality and being late is considered rude and disrespectful. Do not jaywalk in Nuremberg. It's illegal and locals take this law very seriously. Wait for the pedestrian light to turn green before crossing the street. Avoid speaking loudly in public places. Germans generally speak in a lower tone and may find loud conversations disruptive and disrespectful. Do not litter. Germans are very environmentally conscious and littering is frowned upon. Avoid using the Nazi salute or any Nazi-related symbols. This is illegal in Germany and can result in fines or imprisonment. Do not assume everyone speaks English. While many Germans do speak English, it's polite to ask if they do before starting a conversation. Avoid making jokes about German stereotypes. This can be seen as offensive and disrespectful. Do not interrupt someone while they are speaking. Germans value directness and honesty, but they also value respect and politeness. Avoid eating with your hands. Use utensils whenever possible, even when eating foods like pizza or sandwiches," wrote a member who made the move to Nuremberg, Germany.

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What cultural faux pas should I try to avoid making in Nuremberg?

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