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Nuremberg, Germany | Will I save money living in Nuremberg? | Expat Exchange
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Will I save money living in Nuremberg?

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We asked expats if they save money living in Nuremberg. They said...

"The cost of living in Nuremberg can be lower than in many cities in the United States, especially major ones like New York or San Francisco. Housing tends to be more affordable in Nuremberg, and public transportation is both efficient and reasonably priced, potentially saving you the cost of owning and maintaining a car. Health care in Germany is also generally less expensive than in the U.S. However, groceries and dining out can be more expensive in Nuremberg than in some U.S. cities. The overall savings would depend on your lifestyle, income, and spending habits," said a member in Nuremberg, Germany.

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We've partnered with Homelike, to connect expats and newcomers with temporary accommodations in Germany. If you're moving to Germany, rent a short-term, furnished apartment or home for the first few months from Homelike and take your time figuring out the best place to live in Germany.


We've partnered with Homelike, to connect expats and newcomers with temporary accommodations in Germany. If you're moving to Germany, rent a short-term, furnished apartment or home for the first few months from Homelike and take your time figuring out the best place to live in Germany.
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Will I save money living in Nuremberg?

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Homelike can help you find furnished, short-term rentals in Germany
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Homelike can help you find furnished, short-term rentals in Germany
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