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Grenoble, France | Is there a lot of diversity? Are people in Grenoble accepting of differences? | Expat Exchange
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Is there a lot of diversity? Are people in Grenoble accepting of differences?

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When we asked people about diversity in Grenoble and whether locals are accepting of differences, they said...

"Grenoble is a diverse city with people representing different backgrounds and cultures living together in harmony. The city is open and welcoming to newcomers and has a strong commitment to diversity and equality. People in Grenoble are very accepting of differences and choose to celebrate the diversity that exists throughout the city," said another expat in Grenoble, France, France.

"The town is a huge mish-mash of people. As with all French towns, there is an ethnic quarter where the less fortunate (financially) often end up living. However, I've never seen or heard of any religious tension per se. During the Iraq war, there was talk of American houses being daubed with paint, but these tended to be the ones with the stars and stripes painted on their garage doors, so maybe they asked for it. Grenoble is basically an affluent city, with pretty much everyone accepted. Like the man said - trouble is like a snake. If you don't go looking for it, it won't come looking for you," wrote a member who made the move to Grenoble, France.

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French Riviera House Hunting - FRHFrench Riviera House Hunting - FRH

We are the best possible negotiator to help our expatriate clients to safely, efficiently and effectively find the right property in the right place in the French Riviera. Whether buying or renting, French Riviera House Hunting's objective is to find the best place for you, making sure that there are no hidden problems in the acquisition or renting process!

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Is there a lot of diversity? Are people in Grenoble accepting of differences?

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