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Moalboal, Philippines | What are the schools in Moalboal like? | Expat Exchange
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What are the schools in Moalboal like?

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When we asked about the schools in Moalboal, they said...

"Moalboal, is a small town known for its beautiful beaches and diving spots. It's not a major city, so it doesn't have a wide range of international or bilingual schools like larger cities such as Manila or Cebu. Most of the schools in Moalboal are public schools that follow the Philippine education system. However, there are some private schools and learning centers that offer English language courses. One of the notable institutions in the area is the Cebu International Language School (CILS), which is located in the nearby city of Cebu. CILS offers English language courses for both local and international students. The school provides a conducive learning environment with modern facilities and experienced teachers. Here is the link to their website: http://www.cilschool.com/ Another institution is the Harvest Christian School International in Cebu City. This school offers a Christian-based curriculum that is recognized internationally. They offer classes from preschool to high school and have a diverse student population. Here is the link to their website: http://www.hcsinternational.org/ For those looking for a bilingual education, the European International School in Cebu City is a good option. The school offers a curriculum that follows the International Baccalaureate (IB) program and teaches in both English and German. Here is the link to their website: http://www.eis-cebu.com/ Please note that these schools are not located in Moalboal itself, but in the nearby city of Cebu. It's common for students in Moalboal to commute to Cebu for school, especially for higher education or specialized programs," commented one expat when asked about in Moalboal.

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