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An Expat Talks about Moving to Grecia, Costa Rica, Costa Rica, Report 98652 | Expat Exchange
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Expat Advice: Culture Shock in Grecia, Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Submitted by ResearchTeam

What is the name of the city or town that you are reporting on?

Grecia, Costa Rica

Did you "commit" any embarrassing or humorous cultural blunders? If you did and you'd like to share them, please do tell!

In Grecia it is considered polite to greet people with a handshake and a warm greeting whenever possible. Therefore, it is important to be mindful to avoid any disrespectful or rude behavior. While speaking to local people, address them in a respectful manner and avoid making comments about their customs, culture, or language. It is wise to dress modestly and refrain from being overly loud or boisterous in public places. Additionally, one should respect religious institutions and avoid taking photographs unless given permission to do so.

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