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Vacation Travel

14 years ago
My wife & I are planning to explore Southern Ecuador later this year. We hope to see Salinas, Loja City, and Cuenca. We plan to fly into Guyaquil. Any suggestions on a driver/interpreter? It would be great if an expat could take us around and we pay a small fee and expenses. I am afraid that if we go with a real estate person, they may inaccurately sway our perceptions of each area. Any ideas for us?

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Living in Ecuador GuideLiving in Ecuador Guide

Expats in Ecuador share some of the pros and cons of living in Ecuador. Topics covered include where to live, the bureaucracy, the people and more.

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Best Places to Live in Ecuador Best Places to Live in Ecuador

If you're dreaming about living in Ecuador, here are the 15 Best Places to Live in Ecuador in 2023.

Healthcare in EcuadorHealthcare in Ecuador

Expats in Ecuador share their experiences with healthcare and overseas medical insurance in Ecuador.

Cost of Living in EcuadorCost of Living in Ecuador

Expats offer insight into the cost of living in Ecuador.

Moving to EcuadorMoving to Ecuador Guide

Expats in Ecuador offer advice to newcomers and people considering a move to Ecuador about clothing, sunscreen, renting before buying, gringo pricing, Ecuadorians politeness and much more.

Real Estate in EcuadorReal Estate in Ecuador

Real estate listings in popular cities and towns in Ecuador.

Pros Cons of Living in EcuadorPros & Cons of Living in Ecuador

Take off your rose-colored glasses and learn what expats have to say about the biggest challenges and the greatest rewards of living in Ecuador.

Retiring in EcuadorRetiring in Ecuador

Advice for people retiring in Ecuador.

10 Tips for Living in Ecuador10 Tips for Living in Ecuador

If you've recently arrived in Ecuador, here are 10 tips for digital nomads living in Ecuador.


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