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Ecuador Forum

10 years ago

Super Bowl

10 years ago
I(Roger),70,Canadian(ontario) widower (living in Florida during the winte)r am arriving in Quito Wednesday night for a month. Staying at Quito Hotel Bonanza for a little while to see Quito then plan to venture downward to Cuenca then to the coast and up. Probably will be in Cuenca Feb. 2(super bowl day). Are there any sports bars that might be carrying the game. I've been reading this sight each day and taking notes. Lots of great info-thanks. Taken note of where the expats meet. Need names of hostels along the way. Read that small bills a requisite but what about paying for hostel or motel charges. Use larger bills or use credit card? I'm a little nervous travelling alone but as I read this site, a lot of others do also. So I guess it's safe, just always be aware of your surroundings etc. Hope to meet a lot of you expats and thank you personally for all the free info.

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Flexible solutions allow you to tailor your cover to meet your needs and budget. Use Promocode: LIFE10 and get 10% off your international health insurance for life!
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Cost of Living in EcuadorCost of Living in Ecuador

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Moving to EcuadorMoving to Ecuador Guide

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Real Estate in EcuadorReal Estate in Ecuador

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Pros Cons of Living in EcuadorPros & Cons of Living in Ecuador

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Retiring in EcuadorRetiring in Ecuador

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10 Tips for Living in Ecuador10 Tips for Living in Ecuador

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Allianz Care

Flexible solutions allow you to tailor your cover to meet your needs and budget. Use Promocode: LIFE10 and get 10% off your international health insurance for life!
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Flexible solutions allow you to tailor your cover to meet your needs and budget. Use Promocode: LIFE10 and get 10% off your international health insurance for life!
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