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Healthcare and Health Insurance in Cuenca, Ecuador | Expat Exchange
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Expats Talk about Health Insurance and Healthcare in Cuenca, Ecuador

By Joshua Wood, LPC

Last updated on Jun 15, 2023

Summary: Cuenca, Ecuador is home to several hospitals and clinics, including Hospital del Rio, Hospital de la Familia, and Hospital Teodoro Maldonado Carbo. Emergency services are available in Cuenca, and an ambulance can be called by dialing 911. The quality of medical care in Cuenca is generally considered to be good, though it may not be as advanced as the medical care available in the United States.

William Russell
William Russell
William Russell
William Russell

How are healthcare services Cuenca?

When we asked expats and global nomads about the quality of medical care in Cuenca, they replied:

"If you need medical care and have good knowledge of Spanish, the state system IESS may be your choice, however if you are retired they raised the rates to about 17.5% of retirement income. I have cheap (low quality) insurance which reportedly doesn't pay, which is fine for me because I would rather pay 45 per month for insurance that I can't use than 75/mo for insurance I won't use," remarked one expat living in Cuenca.

"This is the best medical care in terms of caring for you and really identifying the best way to correct the medical issues of people. Doctors really care for their patients, and spend time talking and testing for the real problem and thus coming up with a real solution to your specific issue. And all done at a bargain price," said one expat living in Cuenca.

"Choose carefully where you plan to live. In many Ecuador cities emergency care is often very limited or even non-existent. As we age good quality emergency care can mean to live or die. The same goes with good quality health care in general. Many small cities lack more than one doctor and medicines and supplies can be difficult to obtain in an emergency. This also happens with dentists as well. I suffered an injury to a tooth and had to travel for over an hour to find a dentist that could provide the needed treatment. And as we age we may find that the uneven pavement (or lack of pavement) in most Ecuadorian cities and towns will become a hazard to getting around. Again, choose carefully where you live," mentioned one expat in Cuenca.

"Cuenca offers a wide range of healthcare services, including both public and private hospitals and clinics. The public hospitals are generally well-equipped and offer a variety of services, including general medicine, emergency care, and specialized care. Private hospitals and clinics offer more specialized services, such as cosmetic surgery, orthopedic surgery, and fertility treatments. In addition, there are a number of pharmacies and medical supply stores in the city, as well as a number of home health care providers. Cuenca also has a number of medical tourism companies that offer packages for medical treatments and procedures," commented one expat who moved to Cuenca, Ecuador.

"In the cities, the medical services are the best we have seen in our travels outside of France, (the best in the world). From a home and the decision to see someone, to seeing a specialist can take as little as 20 minutes at a cost of $40. Tests and operations can be set for the same day. We grew up with national medical care and were advised on arrival, by those who have that background, to get insurance. We did so for three years but dropped it in angry disgust. It is demeaning being privately health-insured if you are not used to it. We self-insure and cover the expat requirement (when there is one from time to time) with IESS (never used)," remarked one expat living in Cuenca.

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What are medical services in Cuenca like?

When we asked expats and global nomads about the quality of medical care in Cuenca, they replied:

"Cuenca offers a wide range of medical services, including both public and private hospitals and clinics. The public hospitals are generally well-equipped and offer a variety of services, including emergency care, general medical care, and specialized care. Private hospitals and clinics offer a more personalized approach to medical care, with a focus on preventive care and specialized treatments. Cuenca also has a number of pharmacies, which provide a wide range of medications and other health-related products. Additionally, there are a number of medical professionals in the city, including doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals, who are available to provide medical care," wrote one expat.

"Don't come down here looking for a miracle cure for your ails. You would find the experience frustrating and assistance costs would wipe out the advantage I think. I do know from some other gringos, and gringo sites, that some medications are not available here, I don't have that experience," commented one expat who moved to Cuenca.

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Are healthcare and health insurance expensive in Cuenca?

"We didn't use our U.S. insurance because the deductibles would have been more than what we paid for care in Cuenca," remarked one expat living in Cuenca.

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What are emergency services like in Cuenca?

When we asked about emergency services, members in Cuenca wrote:

"Emergency services in Cuenca are generally reliable and efficient. In the event of an emergency, the best way to call for an ambulance is to dial 911. This will connect you to the local emergency services, who will be able to dispatch an ambulance to your location. Additionally, there are several private ambulance services in the city that can be contacted directly," remarked one expat in Cuenca.

"The Big Public Hospital in Cuenca is Moscosa, which is about a mile away. I've been to the bathroom there and wouldn't recommend it, because if the bathrooms aren't clean, I wouldn't trust the service (same goes for restaurants.)," remarked one expat living in Cuenca.

"We live within 3 blocks of a major hospital with 24 hour Emergency care and within 5 blocks of a similar major hospital also with 24 hour emergency care. Both hospitals are excellent and offer quality care.," said one expat living in Cuenca.

" I am closest to a hospital that is a private hospital, and is less than a mile away. Another hospital about 2 miles away is also a private hospital. A public hospital is about 5 miles away. The quality of care at most hospitals is excellent, yet the public hospitals have a lower grade of care, a higher population waiting for service and because of the high volume of patiensts, a lower class service to the patient and a longer waiting period for service. The level of caring for the patient varies, with the highest level of caring at the private hospitals. The most expensive private hospitals charge a fraction of the price that you would pay in the United States. The level of care and the success of recovery is so much higher than in the United States in my opinion and in the opinion of both the local people and the expat population. In addition, there is a freedom of choice of medical care. So Cancer patients are not only offered Chemo, Radiation and Surgery. There are Natural Health healers, Homeopathy and many other practitioners with successful records of reversing serious life-threatening disease conditions. ," mentioned one expat in Cuenca.

"Hospitals are everywhere. I have three hospitals within 1 mile of my home in Cuenca. The public hospital is OK if you have lots of time and very little money and the issue is not life threatening. The private hospitals are every bit as good as in the US. I was in one just a week ago in fact (pneumonia)," commented one expat who moved to Cuenca, Ecuador.

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Will I need to travel to see a specialist?

"I am young and in good health so these don't concern me. I only have insurance because the law requires it," said an expat in Cuenca.

"Pretty much every specialty can be covered right here in town (Cuenca), We even have a cancer center hospital specifically for that (which is free if you paid for IESS) that has gotten rave reviews from two friends who recently went through cancer treatments. I have two heart specialists myself (stents in 2005 in the US). They seem very competent, though I have had no heart issue since coming to Ecuador," commented one expat living in Cuenca, Ecuador.

"I have been able to find providers for all health issues here in Cuenca and all have been of good quality and excellent availability," wrote one expat.

" I would return to Ecuador for any serious health issues, because of the high level of care and the high level of successfully reversing serious health problems. The lower cost is just another bonus available to the patient. Some specialists here are not only trained and certified here in Ecuador, but have advanced medical certification education in other countries. So you get the benefit of other International modalities. ," commented one expat who moved to Cuenca.

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Are common prescription medications available in Cuenca?

"Yes, common prescription medications are available in Cuenca. Most pharmacies in the city carry a wide variety of medications, including those for common ailments such as allergies, colds, and flu. Many of the medications are generic versions of popular brands, and some are even available over the counter. Prices for medications in Cuenca are generally lower than in the United States, making them more affordable for locals and visitors alike," said one expat living in Cuenca.

"Almost all non-opioid prescription meds from the US are available OTC here. No prescription needed -- though of course it is recommended to see a doctor to verify you need the same drugs here. We are at 8500' altitude, so some meds might be adjusted due to elevation," mentioned one expat in Cuenca.

"Prescription medication is inexpensive and readily available. If you are on the typical 5 at 50 plan, you can come buy your meds have a nice vacation and still save money over doing the same in the U.S," commented one expat who moved to Cuenca, Ecuador.

"Many common meds are available without prescription for a fraction of the price. New meds may not be available and can be expensive if they have to be imported. Names of meds are different than in the U.S., and you may have to go to a doctor initially to get them translated. Bringing your prescription forms from home will help," remarked one expat living in Cuenca.

" Yes, we have common prescription medicines available throughout the city at different competing pharmaceutical chains. So you often may find one pharmacy with a competing pharmacy within a block or two. Prices are a fraction of what you would pay in the States. Prescriptions are required for most controlled medications, but natural medicines are also readily available. An example of the costs are from an experience of a gal that was bit by a dog and needed a tetanus shot. In rural Asia where this happened she paid $20. When she got to Europe, she had to pay $800. and when she got home in California, she had to pay $5,000. These were the same exact medicine and the same brand. It is a popular brand used for tetanus. ," commented one person.

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Do you have anything more to add about local medical facilities in Cuenca?

"Medical care in Cuenca is generally of a high quality. The city has a number of well-equipped hospitals and clinics, staffed by experienced and qualified medical professionals. Cuenca also has a number of specialized medical centers, offering a range of services from general practice to specialized care. The city also has a number of pharmacies, providing access to a wide range of medications. In addition, there are a number of private medical practices, offering a range of services from general practice to specialized care. Overall, medical care in Cuenca is of a high standard and is easily accessible to residents and visitors alike," commented one expat who moved to Cuenca.

As a foreigner living in Cuenca, will I have access to public healthcare? What is it like?

"Yes, every expat is required by law to have insurance. The federal system is available, and costs $68/mo for a couple. However, health care is so cheap that I skip the (underfunded and long lines) IESS (federal system) and pay out of pocket for private health care anyway," mentioned one expat in Cuenca.

"Yes, as a foreigner living in Cuenca, you will have access to public healthcare. The public healthcare system in Cuenca is generally considered to be of good quality, with many hospitals and clinics offering a wide range of services. The cost of healthcare is also relatively low compared to other countries, making it an attractive option for those looking for affordable medical care," commented one expat who moved to Cuenca, Ecuador.

What have your experiences during the pandemic with the local healthcare system been like?

We asked expats in Cuenca if they have access to public healthcare in Cuenca. And, if they do have access, what is it like. They wrote...

"My experiences with the local healthcare system in Cuenca during the pandemic have been generally positive. The healthcare system has been very responsive to the needs of the community, providing free testing and treatment for those affected by the virus. The hospitals and clinics have been well-equipped and staffed with knowledgeable and caring professionals. The government has also provided financial assistance to those in need, helping to cover the costs of medical care. Overall, the healthcare system in Cuenca has been able to provide quality care to those affected by the pandemic," mentioned one expat in Cuenca.

"Regular Dr visits, no issues regarding Covid One DR visit with my 27 year old son, no issues regarding Covid," commented one expat who moved to Cuenca, Ecuador.

What advice do you have for expats having a baby in Cuenca?

We asked expat moms who gave birth in Cuenca about their experiences and advice they have for other moms to be. They said:

"The most important advice for having a baby in Cuenca is to research the local medical services and doctors available. Many expats opt to utilize the services of private clinics or hospitals, as they often provide a higher level of care than public care. It's also a good idea to become familiar with the typical costs of medical care, as some hospitals may require large sums of money up front. Additionally, it’s important to be aware of the cultural norms regarding childbirth and medical care, which can vary depending on the region. Finally, it’s essential to make sure that both you and your baby are up to date on vaccinations," said one person in Cuenca, Ecuador.

Are healthcare services good in Cuenca?

We asked people if they have access to good medical care in Cuenca. They wrote:

"Healthcare services in Cuenca are readily available and very affordable. Cuenca is home to several large hospitals and numerous smaller clinics that provide a wide variety of healthcare services ranging from routine checkups to more specialized treatments. The city also boasts many experienced specialists, including doctors, nurses and other medical personnel, providing excellent care to its inhabitants. Cuenca's health system is heavily supported by the local government which ensures that medical services are affordable for citizens. In addition to the services available in the city, the Ecuadorian government sponsors medical tourism packages that provide the same quality of care found in the hospitals in Cuenca but with lighter tax systems," said one expat in Cuenca, Ecuador.

"Your choice of the free hospital or higher cost facilities. Also qualify for the Social Security hospital here 100% coverage for $72 a month," wrote a person living in Cuenca.

About the Author

Joshua Wood Joshua Wood, LPC joined Expat Exchange in 2000 and serves as one of its Co-Presidents. He is also one of the Founders of Digital Nomad Exchange. Prior to Expat Exchange, Joshua worked for NBC Cable (MSNBC and CNBC Primetime). Joshua has a BA from Syracuse and a Master's in Clinical and Counseling Psychology from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Mr. Wood is also a licensed counselor and psychotherapist.

Some of Joshua's articles include Pros and Cons of Living in Portugal, 10 Best Places to Live in Ireland and Pros and Cons of Living in Uruguay. Connect with Joshua on LinkedIn.

Street Tres de Noveimbre in Cuenca, Ecuador

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