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Siargao Island, Philippines | What do expats find most challenging? | Expat Exchange
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What do expats find most challenging?

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We asked expats and digital nomads what they find the most challenging about the local culture in Siargao Island. They wrote...

"Expats in Siargao Island, may find the language barrier to be one of the most challenging aspects of the local culture, as not everyone speaks English fluently. They might also struggle with the slower pace of life, which can be frustrating when trying to get things done or when dealing with bureaucracy. Additionally, expats may find it difficult to adjust to the local customs and traditions, such as the importance of family and community, as well as the strong influence of religion in daily life. The lack of infrastructure and limited access to certain amenities, such as healthcare and shopping, can also be challenging for expats living on the island. Finally, adapting to the local cuisine, which may be very different from what they are used to, can be another challenge for expats in Siargao Island," mentioned another expat when asked about moving to Siargao Island, Philippines.

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