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Malapascua, Philippines | What are the schools in Malapascua like? | Expat Exchange
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What are the schools in Malapascua like?

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When we asked about the schools in Malapascua, they said...

"Malapascua is a small island located in the Philippines, known for its beautiful beaches and diving spots. However, due to its size and remote location, it does not have any international or bilingual schools. The island has a few local public schools, such as Malapascua Elementary School and Logon National High School, which cater to the local population. These schools primarily teach in the local language, Filipino, and English is taught as a second language. For international or bilingual education, one would have to look at larger cities in the Philippines such as Cebu City or Manila," explained one expat living in Malapascua, Philippines.

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