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Cost of Living in Iasi

By Betsy Burlingame

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Summary: If you''re moving to Iasi, understanding the the cost of living in Iasi helps you know what to expect when it comes to apartment or house hunting, grocery shopping, transportation, dining out, utilities and more.

Category Details Cost
Apartment Rentals 1-bedroom apartment in city center €250 - €350 per month
1-bedroom apartment outside city center €150 - €250 per month
Apartment Purchases Price per square meter in city center €1,000 - €1,500
Price per square meter outside city center €600 - €1,000
Transportation One-way local transport ticket €0.50
Monthly local transport pass €10 - €15
Gasoline (1 liter) €1.20 - €1.40
Taxi (1 km) €0.40 - €0.50
Groceries Milk (1 liter) €0.80 - €1.20
Bread (500g) €0.50 - €1.00
Rice (1 kg) €0.80 - €1.50
Chicken breasts (1 kg) €3.50 - €5.00
Restaurants Meal at an inexpensive restaurant €5 - €10
Three-course meal for two at a mid-range restaurant €20 - €40
Fast food meal (e.g., McDonald's) €4 - €6
Utilities Basic utilities (electricity, heating, cooling, water, garbage) for an 85m2 apartment €100 - €200 per month
Internet (60 Mbps or more, unlimited data, cable/ADSL) €10 - €20 per month
Mobile phone (1 minute of prepaid mobile tariff, no discounts or plans) €0.10 - €0.20
Private School Tuition Preschool (or Kindergarten) €150 - €300 per month
Elementary School €200 - €400 per month
Middle School €300 - €500 per month
High School €400 - €600 per month
The cost of living in Iasi, is relatively affordable compared to other European cities. The table above provides an overview of the costs associated with various aspects of living in Iasi, including apartment rentals and purchases, transportation, groceries, restaurants, utilities, and private school tuition. Keep in mind that these costs can vary depending on individual preferences and lifestyle choices.

Can I live in Iasi on $1,500 a month?

"I've been living in Iasi for a while now, and I can tell you that it's definitely possible to live comfortably on $1,500 a month, even if you're used to modern amenities. However, you might have to make some sacrifices in terms of your lifestyle and the neighborhood you choose to live in.First of all, you'll want to look for an apartment in a more affordable neighborhood. Some of the more expensive areas in Iasi, like Copou or Bucium, might be out of your budget if you're trying to stick to $1,500 a month. Instead, consider looking for a place in neighborhoods like Pacurari, Tatarasi, or Nicolina. These areas are more affordable and still offer decent living conditions.When it comes to utilities and other monthly expenses, you'll find that they're generally quite affordable in Iasi. However, you might need to cut back on some of the luxuries you're used to, like eating out at fancy restaurants or going out for drinks every weekend. Instead, try cooking at home more often and exploring the local markets for fresh produce. You can still enjoy a night out, but maybe limit it to once or twice a month to save money.Transportation is another area where you can save money. Public transportation in Iasi is quite affordable, and you can get a monthly pass for around $15. If you're used to having your own car, you might want to consider selling it and relying on public transportation instead. This will save you money on gas, insurance, and maintenance costs.Finally, you'll want to be mindful of your overall spending habits. It's easy to get carried away with shopping or entertainment, but if you're trying to stick to a budget, you'll need to be disciplined. Track your expenses and make sure you're not overspending in any one area.Overall, living in Iasi on $1,500 a month is definitely doable, but it will require some adjustments to your lifestyle and spending habits. By choosing a more affordable neighborhood, cutting back on luxuries, and being mindful of your overall spending, you can live comfortably and enjoy all that this beautiful city has to offer," commented an expat living in Iasi.

Can I live in Iasi on $3,000 a month?

"I've been living in Iasi for a while now, and I can tell you that it's definitely possible to live comfortably on $3,000 a month, even if you're used to modern amenities. Of course, you might have to make some sacrifices, but overall, it's quite doable. First, let's talk about housing. Iasi has a variety of neighborhoods, some more expensive than others. If you want to save money, I'd recommend looking for an apartment in areas like Tatarasi, Nicolina, or Canta. These neighborhoods are more affordable, but still offer decent living conditions and access to public transportation. On the other hand, if you're willing to spend a bit more on rent, you could consider living in more upscale neighborhoods like Copou, Bucium, or Pacurari. These areas are more expensive, but they offer better amenities and are generally considered safer and more prestigious.When it comes to utilities and other monthly expenses, you'll find that they're generally quite affordable in Iasi. For example, my monthly utility bills (including electricity, water, and heating) usually come to around $100-$150. Internet and mobile phone plans are also quite cheap, with good quality services available for around $10-$20 per month.As for transportation, Iasi has a decent public transportation system, with buses and trams connecting most parts of the city. A monthly pass costs around $15, which is quite affordable. If you prefer to drive, you'll find that gas prices are higher than in the US, but still manageable on a $3,000 budget.Eating out and entertainment can be quite affordable in Iasi, depending on your preferences. There are plenty of budget-friendly restaurants and cafes where you can enjoy a meal for around $5-$10. Of course, there are also more expensive options if you're looking for a fancier dining experience. Movie tickets, theater performances, and other cultural events are also reasonably priced, usually costing between $5 and $20.One sacrifice you might have to make is adjusting to the local shopping options. While there are some international brands and stores available in Iasi, you might not find all the products you're used to from back home. However, there are plenty of local alternatives, and you can always order online if you really need something specific.Overall, I think it's definitely possible to live comfortably in Iasi on a $3,000 monthly budget. You might have to make some adjustments and sacrifices, but the cost of living is quite affordable, and the city offers a good quality of life," said one expat living in Iasi.

Can I live in Iasi on $5,000 a month?

"I've been living in Iasi for a while now, and I can tell you that it's definitely possible to live comfortably on $5,000 a month, even if you're used to modern amenities. In fact, you might not have to make too many sacrifices at all. The cost of living in Iasi is quite affordable compared to many other European cities, so you'll find that your money goes a long way here.When it comes to housing, you'll have plenty of options to choose from. Some of the more affordable neighborhoods include Tatarasi, Nicolina, and Canta, where you can find a nice apartment for around $300 to $400 a month. If you're looking for something a bit more upscale, you might want to consider areas like Copou, Bucium, or Pacurari, where rents can be a bit higher, but you'll still be able to find a great place for around $600 to $800 a month.As for other expenses, you'll find that groceries, utilities, and transportation are all quite affordable in Iasi. You can expect to spend around $200 to $300 a month on groceries, depending on your preferences, and utilities usually come in at around $100 to $150 a month. Public transportation is also very cheap, with a monthly pass costing around $15.One thing to keep in mind is that while Iasi has many modern amenities, it might not have everything you're used to from back home. For example, you might not find as many international brands or products in the local supermarkets, and some services, like high-speed internet, might not be as reliable as you're used to. However, these are relatively minor inconveniences, and you'll quickly adapt to the local way of life.Overall, I think you'll find that living in Iasi on $5,000 a month is not only possible but quite comfortable. You'll be able to enjoy a good quality of life, with access to modern amenities, without having to make too many sacrifices. Just be prepared to adapt to some of the local customs and ways of doing things, and you'll have a great time living here," commented an expat living in Iasi.

About the Author

Betsy Burlingame Betsy Burlingame is the Founder and President of Expat Exchange and is one of the Founders of Digital Nomad Exchange. She launched Expat Exchange in 1997 as her Master's thesis project at NYU. Prior to Expat Exchange, Betsy worked at AT&T in International and Mass Market Marketing. She graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University with a BA in International Business and German.

Some of Betsy's articles include 12 Best Places to Live in Portugal, 7 Best Places to Live in Panama and 12 Things to Know Before Moving to the Dominican Republic. Betsy loves to travel and spend time with her family. Connect with Betsy on LinkedIn.

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