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20 years ago

The Penny Has Dropped

20 years ago
Good Morning,

Note: This is a mass mailer and is addressed to over 732 people and is also posted on 129 Newsgroup Discussion Forums, so read it and take in what you must, eliminate what you will, but for the rest, you are receiving pure truth.. No replies necessary, forward to as many people you want to or delete it, whatever is your pleasure, I'm not fussed, I'm simply doing God's will... Please be warned that you will come across some very choice words so if you have an opinion about that, then that is exactly what it is.. Your opinion... so no replies necessary..... I would of course like to hear only positive and sane replies if I must, but I absolutely expect the negative.. after all you are only human.........

Well, well.......Bush's real agenda and campaign is finally coming to surface and everyone is seeing him for who he really is and for his true colours...It takes some people longer than others to see real truths but thats alright, as long as they remove the blinders and begin to see, is what matters.

Removing the 10 commandments and then relieving the judge of his duties for following Gods' law...... I was hoping I would not see this in my lifetime but it has indeed happened...another Covenant with God has been broken.

So what are we going to do about it folks...? Sit on our butts and blame the politicians and the elected idiots that we elected? or Are we going to act as adults and help God to remove Satan and his workers and take our flipping country back..? The choice is yours..

The penny has dropped and decision time has arrived....God said if you are Luke Warm he Will vomit you from his mouth.....Are you vomit or are you a Soldier for Christ...? Make up your mind ......it's black or white, good or bad, stop or go, in or out..... no in between positions available... Do you choose God or do you choose Satan? Your answer in required Immediately.....!! There is No more time to dick around folks...

Go ahead, start ridiculing, start thinking negative thoughts about me, about God and his people, go ahead, have at it... no one cares.... the bottom line is this "he who laughs will laugh last" so, good luck to you and to the people who you will lead astray...there is no use in you continuing this letter.. Throw it away, put it down, just don't waste anyones time anymore..... go and meet satans ban wagon the Bush administration and wank yourselves silly because your day is coming.

Now for those of you reading, that have made the right choice and have claimed your place in the intellectual physical and spiritual worlds, and who can see satan using good people without them even knowing it and who are willing to stand up and fight for our Freedoms our Rights or Dignity then read on, please....

Our forefathers left Europe to go to America so they could worship freely and openly.. that is the entire and soul basis of our country.
Now God is completely eliminated..?!?!. (oh, but I'm sure Any and All butt kissing attorney's in America would argue to make Bush right for the right price....blah blah blah..what a sick and twisted country, absolute yuck)

No one can say "Well I didn't vote for them".. blah, blah.. Because obviously Somebody voted for all those satanic idiots who hide behind God to get the Christian Vote... Action is needed .. nothing less.....Actions speak louder than words.......GET THEM OUT OF OFFICE NOW!!!!! Do what you must but have them all REMOVED IMMEDIATELY.. Nothing less is acceptable.....Do you understand?

Bush is Always USING God and the Church to improve his personal image to the Global and especially the American populations. He had the final word in disregarding and removing God from OUR country and now he has truely revealed himself.. Bush said REMOVE IT.... REMOVE GOD FROM AMERICA......

Are you really going to just sit back and accept that? are you going to sit back and say "Well, what am I supposed to do?"....
If that is what you are saying and thinking this very moment, you don't deserve the right to vote.........
Please, if that is it, then don't flipping bother, yeah..... NEXT........Can the Real Americans Stand Up PLEASE?????

To: George W. Bush

No more hiding now George....You can no longer use God's name in vain, the World SEES you . REALLY SEES YOU and you
DO NOT love God....So Stop Claiming to.....Stop Insulting and Using God and Stop insulting our intelligence.....!!! We will make you stop George..
You flipping work for us and you have not represented or respected us, so who the hell are you really representing George? Who do you work for?

You have a private agenda and we all know it.. It is just a matter of time, just a matter of time. You are the Vomit that God will spit out.... you stand for the words "Luke Warm", your always riding the fence and teaching our children such standards and morals. I will not rest until I see you in the place you truely belong..

You have messed around with the world, with all nations, with our own people... But you dare to mess around with GOD!!!!!
You have just tread in a territory that will see to your demise. We have all been confirmed as Soldiers for Christ. You think you have an Army.... huh... get ready mother ripper... You have messed around in the wrong backyard...
You see, as true soldiers we are willing to Die for him... so let's play ball George......
Soldiers for Christ
As a good and decent person, contact your State Reps, your Senators, your Locals, Everyone who works for you the people.....That's right, they work for you.. You pay their salaries every month with your hard earned taxes.

So do they have alot to answer for..? You got that flipping right... THEY WORK FOR YOU... FOR ME.. FOR ALL OF US........technically that is.........

If you truly believe in the so called system, then tell us, tell us all.. Why does it not work for All People? Can't you see that there is something indecently wrong with this whole picture? Don't you care?

Is it possible that the entire society of America has been mind f_ _ ked and has become warped and sick like Bush?
Please tell me this isn't true.....How could you remove your thinking hats and allow this man and all his followers to take our country down this sick, dark and destructive road?

Fight back people....Bush and his team are identical to Cancer Pollops... they continue to feed off of red blood cells and multiply until they have consumed everyone and everything.....FIGHT PEOPLE, FIGHT... America is Your Country.... WAKE UP!!!!!

Go to any search engine and find a group a discussion forum, a newsgroup to work with, to stop these idiots.. do something.. but just don't do nothing!!!!!!
Don't you realize that you will not be judged on what you do on this Earth, you will be judged on what you Don't do.....!!

God help us all,
Soldiers for Christ

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