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6 years ago

Container Shipping

6 years ago
Has anyone had any experience in this mater
We would like to purchase a 20 feet container in the US and load all our belongings into this container, and ship to Colombia. We have contacted many shipping companies and we get a diverent answer from all of them, seems like every shipping company has no problem shipping to Port Bonaventura in Colombia. The problem is Customs clearance, then shipping to Lago Calima.
Company #1 You can use your Container, load yourself, exept for prohibited items, then we ship to Buenaventura, and you are on your.
Company#2 You can not use your own Container, we will provide the Container, load yourself, we handle Customs, ship to you location in Colombia, any Customs charges will have to be payed by you.
Company#3 You can not provide your Container, you cannot pack or load anything, we will come to you and pack and load everything. You can not take any tools, except pliers and a screw driver.
Company #3 reason for not allowing me to use my own Container, my Container would not be considered Household goods and I would have to pay 75% Duty on the Container. This is them same reason they give me for the Tools. Tools like, my table saw, air compressor, generator, and other tools we all have in our garages, to work on our Cars and on our House with. I will have a problem with customs, and would have to pay 75% Duty on these items. We will have a one time Customs Exemption Form, for returning Colombians. Help Please, with any information on Customs in Colombia

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Living in Colombia GuideLiving in Colombia Guide

Expats in Colombia discuss the pros and cons of living in Colombia. From the Colombian people to driving to taxes and more. As challenging as it can be, expats in Colombia clearly find that there is a lot to love about a country that is a surprising expat hot spot.

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Allianz Care

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