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Pretoria, South Africa | What do expats find most challenging? | Expat Exchange
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What do expats find most challenging?

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We asked expats and digital nomads what they find the most challenging about the local culture in Pretoria. They wrote...

"Expats in Pretoria, often find the language barrier to be a significant challenge, as there are 11 official languages in the country, with Afrikaans and English being the most commonly spoken in Pretoria. The high crime rate can also be a concern for expats, as they may not be accustomed to the level of security measures that are often necessary in South Africa. The pace of life can also be a challenge, as South Africans tend to have a more relaxed attitude towards time, which can be frustrating for those from more punctual cultures. Additionally, understanding and navigating the complex social and racial dynamics that exist in South Africa can be difficult for expats. Lastly, the local healthcare system can be a challenge, as public healthcare facilities often have long wait times and limited resources, while private healthcare can be expensive," remarked another expat in Pretoria, South Africa.

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