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Malapascua, Philippines | Will I be able to find a job in Malapascua? | Expat Exchange
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Will I be able to find a job in Malapascua?

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When we asked people about industries and career opportunities in Malapascua, they reponded...

"In Malapascua, foreigners often work in the tourism industry, particularly in roles such as dive instructors, hotel or resort managers, and tour guides. Some also work in restaurants as chefs or managers. Others may be involved in conservation efforts, working with local organizations to protect the island's natural resources. There are also foreigners who work as English teachers, providing language instruction to locals and visitors alike. Additionally, some foreigners may be self-employed, running their own businesses such as souvenir shops, cafes, or freelance photography," said a member in Malapascua, Philippines.

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Will I be able to find a job in Malapascua?

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Flexible solutions allow you to tailor your cover to meet your needs and budget. Use Promocode: LIFE10 and get 10% off your international health insurance for life!
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