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5 years ago

Term of responsibility snafu

5 years ago
Hi everyone!
My husband and I are young retirees and we are planning on moving to Portugal with our daughter. We had our visa appointment at the consulate in Newark last week and ran into an unexpected problem.

We have friends in Portugal who have lovingly offered us to let us stay with them until we can find long term housing. They wrote a letter of invitation for us that included all of the necessary information that I have seen in my research (names, passport numbers, dates, address, copy of residence card, etc) one in English, another in Portuguese, and had them notarized in Portugal.

The woman at the consulate told us that the letter wouldn't work - our hosts would have to fill out the term of responsibility form. However, our friends do not want to sign the form because it states that they will be responsible for our repatriation costs and because it says it will be in file for 5 years.

I'm not mad at our friends and I can understand their hesitation. However, I really don't want to pay for an apartment for 6 months if we have a free place to stay. Yet, here we are. So now we're forced to rent an apartment sight unseen or try to use a hotel reservation.

Has anyone had experience with the consulate in Newark? Hotel reservations for accommodations? Any ideas that I haven't thought of?

BTW, everything else in our visa application was fine. This is the only thing holding us up.


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SJB Global is a top-rated financial advisory firm specializing in expat financial advice worldwide, offering retirement planning & tax-efficient solutions with a regressive fee model.
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