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19 years ago

Massage Therapy

19 years ago
Is there a better way to relax and repair our tired and stressed lives than the touch of healing hands? Regular massage should be compulsory, or at least scheduled frequently into our lives. Choose from our stimulating yet soothing massage therapies.

Aromatherapy Session via Massage

In an aromatherapy session, we use pure plant/botanical essence in the form of organic essential oils. Client consultation provides information necessary to select the appropriate essential oil for maximum therapeutic benefit. The combination of massage, medicinal and therapeutic qualities of the essential oils can soothe and relax promoting a general state of well being. Ask your massage planner to include this in every massage you will book with us.


The various active, rhythmic, oriental techniques to be used in Shiatsu massage mostly involve mid to firm pressure to various points and areas on the skin. It works to balance and harmonize the bodys energy blockages or tension within the body. The therapist stimulates acupressure points on the body resulting in a re-energizing body tune-up.

A distinctly classical full body, 60-minute full body massage that stimulates & soothes tense muscles. Light to medium in pressure, it utilizes a combination of 5 traditional strokes to reduce stress which includes long firm strokes, kneading & circular motion.

Shait-Swe (A combination of two massage modalities, Shiatsu and Swedish massage)
Experience the best of both European and Oriental Bodywork for one and a half-hour. Aimed for both pain management as well as a relaxing session.

Foot Reflexology
Hand Reflexology
Complete Reflexology (Feet, Hands and Ears)
Give your feet, hands and/or ears the attention that they deserved with this ancient healing art. These specific parts are given a pressure together with massage. The reflex points located in these particular areas correlate to individual organs & parts of the body. Activating these reflexes can help improve circular & promote relaxation. You can choose either one specific part (hands, feet or ears) or in combination with each other.

Deep Tissue Massage
Focuses on helping reduce muscle tension increase range of motion and provide a warm-up to activity. This is not a full body massage. Helpful in relaxing muscle tightness & increase energy to the body affected by strenous workouts & sports. The therapist may concentrate on these soar and tension areas by deep and firm pressure. We employ techniques in combination with Sports Massage.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

This gentle and light one-hour massage modality concentrates on the major lymphatic glands. The therapist gently moves lymph towards the lymph nodes, where the body can dispose of the waste more easily. It is aimed to stimulate natural detoxification of the body and promote blood flow. There is the regular increase and decrease in light pressure to create a pumping and suction effect.

Localized Head and Back massage
An efficient tension reliever massage that incorporates bodywork to these areas: the neck, shoulders, arms and head. Can be both relaxing and invigorating, helps to renew energy levels. It is a short, 20-30 minute dry massage.

MASSAGE AT YOUR DOORSTEP! CALL US NOW! (9361216 OR 0918-5718589 or visit our web site http://www.geocities.com?iccm_iccm/ICCM.html)

William Russell
William Russell

SJB Global
SJB Global

SJB Global is a top-rated financial advisory firm specializing in expat financial advice worldwide, offering retirement planning & tax-efficient solutions with a regressive fee model.
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SJB GlobalSJB Global

SJB Global is a top-rated financial advisory firm specializing in expat financial advice worldwide, offering retirement planning & tax-efficient solutions with a regressive fee model.
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SJB Global
SJB Global

SJB Global is a top-rated financial advisory firm specializing in expat financial advice worldwide, offering retirement planning & tax-efficient solutions with a regressive fee model.
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SJB GlobalSJB Global

SJB Global is a top-rated financial advisory firm specializing in expat financial advice worldwide, offering retirement planning & tax-efficient solutions with a regressive fee model.
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